2025 Scholarship Application
Information Available
Education Legacy
Support Future Scholarships
Every student has the right and the potential to EXCEL! LEAGUE Foundation

Welcome Students and Supporters

Our mission: The LEAGUE Foundation provides financial resources for America's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender youth to attend institutions of higher learning to meet this mission.

Currently, the scholarship program's focus is on graduating high school students moving directly into higher education, since the high school dropout rate for LGBTQ students is one of the highest along with the largest number of suicides while in high school. Statistically, if a student crosses over from high school into college, the number of suicides and even drop-outs from college exponentially reduces. The LEAGUE Foundation provides financial resources for America’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender high school seniors entering their first year of institutions of higher learning. The scholarship application opens annually in January and closes in April with awards distributed in the summer of each year.

Scholarship program criteria are available here.
Who we are . . .
Since 1996, LEAGUE Foundation has awarded 233 college scholarships totaling $511,000 to self-identified lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBTQ+) graduating US High School Students. LEAGUE Foundation scholars are selected through a multi-round process where applicants academic, community involvement, and educational goals determine LEAGUE Scholars.

LEAGUE Foundation is an entity of LEAGUE at AT&T, Inc. Founded in 1987, LEAGUE at AT&T is one of the nations oldest LGBTQ+ employee resource groups. As an independent 501c(3) LEAGUE is supported by individual, corporate, and external LGBTQ organizations.

Click here to support the LEAGUE Foundation Scholarship Fund.

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