Applications are usually accepted from January through April.  Decisions are usually made in July. The program is open to supporters and self-identifying Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer <Questioning>, +, graduating high school seniors meeting the prescribed criteria. Family members and mentors are encouraged to work with applicants to help ensure their submissions are complete. The applicant must:

  • Be graduating from high school in the year they apply for a scholarship.
  • Be a United States Citizen or be a legal resident.
  • Be attending an accredited college or university within the United States. Proof of acceptance is required.
  • Provide an OFFICIAL copy of their high school transcript showing a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better using a 4.0 scale or equivalent. Weighted average can be used in these calculations. If the applicant’s high school does not use a numerical grading system, then a complete description of the measures of success and requirements for graduation is required.
  • Complete 2 personal essays as outlined on the application form (one of which may be submitted in the form of a video).
  • Provide at least 2 letters of recommendation from non-family members.
  • Include details of your top community involvement with up to three (3) organizations.
  • Sign an acknowledgement form agreeing to the outlined terms and conditions of the application. (See application form)

Currently the LEAGUE Foundation has up to ten (10) awards for consideration and each student application is automatically reviewed for each. The ten awards are:

All decisions of the selection committee are final. Scholarship proceeds are sent directly to the school where the applicant will be attending. Funds are not given directly to the student. Questions regarding the application process can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Click here to start our new online application system.